Wednesday, September 4, 2024
HomeNewsThe burden of teenage pregnancy…

The burden of teenage pregnancy…

By Changez Ndzai

The Kenya government through the Nation Council for Population and Development, the Ministry of Health and Education, partnering with UNESCO/UNEPA, held a summit in a hotel in Nairobi which for seen the launching of  the early pregnancy campaign 2020. Some of the guest speakers of the day were Madam Phoebe the founder and executive director of children rights and legal aid foundation, Mr. Patrick Nyakwara technical director of NCPD AND Dr. Sheikh the director general NCPD.

According to early report about teenage pregnancy and motherhood rate in Kenya stands at 18%. Which implies that about 1 in every 5 teenage girls between the age of 15-19 years, have either had a live birth or pregnant with their first child. According to the Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) REPORT 2014 further indicates that teenage pregnancy and motherhood rates have remained unchanged since 2008, which means that many girls have been continuing dropping out of school and also are continue to experience health related challenges including mortality and morbidity due to birth related complications and unsafe abortion while other are forced in early marriages.

The campaign is here for everyone to participate, here at Mtaani radio we want to know what is your take on this is issue about early childhood pregnancy here in Dagoretti. Does this challenge affect our school girls or there are zero cases in Dagoretti if it comes to early childhood pregnancy.  As the government through the relevant departments and line ministries, initiate campaigns on early childhood pregnancy; it should also conduct community dialogues to address harmful cultural practices such as child marriages, FGM, and disco matanga, which drive teenage pregnancy. But also we have to bear in mind that without your contribution as residence of Dagoretti towards the campaign is a failure.

Some factors such as children taking alcohol and abusing drugs in the community, is too chronic that the government through the National Authority for the Campaign against Alcohol and drug abuse (NACADA) should initiate a country wide campaign too. But as the government is fighting hard to carry on these campaigns, Dagoretti residents also should make sure that they would stay akimbo and be on the front line to make sure that their children are benefiting towards the campaign and initiating more public awareness not only in schools but homes and other public institution. In this way Dagoretti would be a good example for the rest of our country is it comes to matters pertaining minimizing cases on early childhood.

Edited By Kamadi Amata

Kamadi Amata
Kamadi Amata
I am a digital content creator with niche in Health, politics, and Human Interest Features.

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