The message below has been circulating among Kenyan WhatsApp users claiming to be an easy way of accessing Kshs 3,300 being disbursed by the government to all Kenyan citizens aged 20 years and above.
Once one clicks the link, they are required to state whether they are a Kenyan citizen by birth, which medium they would prefer to receive the funds and whether they really need the cash and tends to let you know that you can share to 12 whatsapp groups as can be seen from the screenshots below:
Mtaani radio fact check desk using WHOIS search of the GOK funds link shows it was registered recently on 11 August 2020. It has been circulating on WhatsApp messenger since. When WHOIS search for a domain is made. It puts its address information to the public ‘WHOIS’ instead of a domain registrant’s own personal/personally identifiable information to protect them from the prying eyes of the public, potential spam and even identity theft.
This story was produced by Fridah Okachi at Mtaani newsroom in partnership with Code for Africa’s iLAB data journalism programme, with support from Deutsche Welle Akademie’.’