Waithaka residents parents in Dagoretti sub county have affirm to Mtaani Radio that increase of drug trafficking and illicit brews has hiked within Waithaka ward to state of influencing student within the area with who have become potential customers in this illegal business.
On a recent report released by PLOS ONE, a private organization revealed that good number of student are exposed to the drug use. on the same report indicate that total of 406 (50.7% male) students were interviewed using the Assessment of Smoking and Substance Involvement Test (ASSIST) and the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Tool (AUDIT). Bivariate logistic regression analyses were used to examine associations between substance use and students’ socio-demographic characteristics. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine the predictors of the lifetime and current alcohol and substance use.
Waithaka parents sentiments comes as ministry of education is set to continue with second term opening this this week. According to Mama Nyaguthi a resident of Waithaka near kwa chief office say Waithaka cemetery has become a center point where students are buying drugs in an open air market. Speaking to Mtaani Radio, she lamented as per situation, there is no hope the situation to be curb hence some of security administrators are alleged to be part and parcel indirect in this illegal business by receiving bribes from the brewers.
However, several c
ases has been reported where most families has lost their family members especially youths as result of excess consumption of second generation alcohol.
According to some of local leaders within the area have been trying to fight the situation but lack of authority good will and community support has been a challenge facing the residents, some few years back, the current Waithaka member of county assembly Hon. Anthony kiragu had an issue with a certain drugs cartel after spearheading their outsource within the area. Though his stand still remain, cartels within security administration always short change his ambition to make Waithaka free from drug trafficking.
The second ward here in Dagoretti sub county greatly affected by drug trafficking is Riruta ward still in Dagoretti south constituency. Ndurarua stadium has been revealed as the center point of drug peddler. It has emerged in public that the man behind drug trafficking is well known with his nick name Badman. According to the trusted source, the alleged man has been a thorn sometimes even to some of security officers. The residents says arresting the person has never yielded fruits as the man is said to be collaborating with few rogue security officers.
With this, the fight of drug trafficking and illicit brew here in Dagoretti Sub County can only be fought from high level of security administration, from the office of the internal CS and clear coordination from all stake holders.