The information was shared on a Facebook account impersonating Kenya’s deputy president.
Syndicated Story by PesaCheck
A Facebook account claiming to belong to Deputy President William Ruto and promising to give every Kenyan Ksh 45,000 is FAKE.
The only requirement to get the Ksh 45,000 is to register by providing your full name and phone number. This appears to be a phishing attempt aimed at getting people to enter their personal information.
“UDA hustlers Sisi ni mashujaa. Je umepokea msaada wako wa leo. Je we ni shujaa? Napeana ksh45,000 kwa kila mkenya. Kazi ni Kazi usipague Kazi (sic). Jiandikishe kwa kupeana namba na majina kamili#shujaa.
[We UDA hustlers are heroes. Have you received your support today? Are you a hero? I am giving Ksh 45,000 to every Kenyan. Work is work, do not be choosy about work. Register by giving your phone number and full name #hero ],” one of the posts, which has obvious grammatical errors, notes.
A photo of Ruto is also attached to the Facebook post.
However, news of the giveaway is shared by an imposter Facebook account.
Ruto’s official Facebook page is verified and the deputy president has not announced such an initiative on his page.
Unlike DP Ruto’s verified Facebook page which has 1,849,858 followers, the imposter Facebook account only has only one follower. The imposter Facebook account looks like it was recently created because the first Facebook post was shared on 1 September. Ruto’s verified Facebook page was created on 20 July 2011.

Several other details on the imposter DP Ruto account are wrong such as the university that Ruto attended. The Facebook account states that DP Ruto attended Maseno University which is not true as the deputy president holds a degree, masters and doctorate from the University of Nairobi. More to that, the images on the fake Ruto Facebook account have been reshared several times which is not the trend on the verified DP Ruto Facebook page. The url of the fake Ruto Facebook account has the name “Nelson Tanui”, which clearly indicates that it is not the deputy president’s official account as the url on DP Ruto’s verified Facebook page indicates the page belongs to “William Samoei”.
Additionally, such an initiative would have received wide coverage from local media. However, a keyword search on Google shows no media coverage of the cash giveaway.
PesaCheck has looked into a Facebook account claiming to belong to Deputy President William Ruto which promises to give every Kenyan Ksh 45,000 and finds it to be FAKE.
This post is part of an ongoing series of PesaCheck fact-checks examining content marked as potential misinformation on Facebook and other social media platforms.
By partnering with Facebook and similar social media platforms, third-party fact-checking organisations like PesaCheck are helping to sort fact from fiction. We do this by giving the public deeper insight and context to posts they see in their social media feeds.
Have you spotted what you think is fake or false information on Facebook? Here’s how you can report. And, here’s more information on PesaCheck’s methodology for fact-checking questionable content.
This fact-check was written by PesaCheck fact-checker Naomi Wanjiku and edited by PesaCheck chief copy editor Rose Lukalo. The article was approved for publication by PesaCheck managing editor Enock Nyariki.
PesaCheck is East Africa’s first public finance fact-checking initiative. It was co-founded by Catherine Gicheru and Justin Arenstein, and is being incubated by the continent’s largest civic technology and data journalism accelerator: Code for Africa. It seeks to help the public separate fact from fiction in public pronouncements about the numbers that shape our world, with a special emphasis on pronouncements about public finances that shape government’s delivery of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) public services, such as healthcare, rural development and access to water / sanitation. PesaCheck also tests the accuracy of media reportage. To find out more about the project, visit
PesaCheck is an initiative of Code for Africa, through its innovateAFRICA fund, with support from Deutsche Welle Akademie, in partnership with a coalition of local African media and other civic watchdog organisations.