Tuesday, February 11, 2025
HomeNewsScholarship for students with indiscipline cases under Wings to fly to be...

Scholarship for students with indiscipline cases under Wings to fly to be discontinued


Students under Wings to Fly education program of Equity Bank found with indiscipline cases, will have their scholarship discontinued forthwith, Manager, Hola branch, Tana River County, Mr. Joseph Migwi, has warned.

Speaking to the press, Wednesday, at Hola Equity Bank branch, Mr. Migwi said the Bank has received reports of cases of beneficiaries being involved in strikes, poor results and absenteeism, warning they will not be tolerated.

He appealed to parents whose children are benefiting from the Scholarship programme, to monitor their children’s learning activities in order to curb such cases.

The Manager noted the stoppage of the scholarship may result in the students not finishing school, considering the criteria used in selection is purely on financial need basis.

“Equity Bank has given these students Wings to fly but some have refused to fly therefore the Bank is ready to discontinue their Scholarship,” he said.

Migwi called on the parents to ensure the report forms for the students are submitted to the Bank always to help the bank determine whether the students will continue to be sponsored or not.

Kamadi Amata
Kamadi Amatahttps://mtaaniradio.or.ke
I am a digital content creator with niche in Health, politics, and Human Interest Features.

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