Tuesday, February 11, 2025
HomeNews56 Bodaboda Operators elects their leaders

56 Bodaboda Operators elects their leaders

BY Kamadi Amata

Bodaboda operators at 56 stage in Kawangware on Monday held election of their new leadership for the period of the next one year. the more that two hundred and seven members streamed into the polling station shortly after 10am. Songs and dances were heard and witness with each camp praising their side of candidates. All went all as planned. At 11am the founder of the stage Mr. Kiarie took the stage and call everything to order. He invited Pastor Thomas Wilson for a word of prayer which took raughly 3 minutes. thereafter the ground rules were set.

Seems like everything was planned to successed. Members earsily accepted on modelities of the election. It was a secret ballot, conducted by peace ambassadors and invited Bodaboda chairpersons from different stages whom were invited as observers. Each regisred member was called and given three ballot papers. They then proceded to cast their ballot at the voting both. Three positions were up for grab; Chairperson, secretary and organizing secretary. The treasurer was elected unopposed.

After voting and counting of votes, Maurice Ajega floored other five candidates to the position of the chairperson. He was declared the winner after garnering 43 votes against his closest competitor Livingstone Kakai who came in second with 28 votes. Godfrey Eboso came in third with 22 votes followed with Edwin Leja with 12 votes. Gidson Tendwa managed only four votes while Duncan Shamela managed only one vote. Two ballots were rejected.


the secretary seat attracted three candidates. Kepha Mocha won in a landslind over his competitors Braya Wanzala and Alphin Julius who managed 24 and 7 votes respectively. Eight ballots were rejected.

In the Organizing secretary position Paul Mukatu was defeated by Bonface Muhati. Muhati garnared 53 votes against Mukatu 48 votes. In this position 11 votes were rejected.
Mr. Rashid was elected treasurer unopposed.

Speaking shortly after he was declared the winner, Maourice Ajega said his main work will to ensure that discipline, order and trustworthy is restored.

“Naenda kuletea vijana maendeleo, naenda kufanya juu chini kuona kwamba vijana wa bodaboda wa 56 wanaendelea mbele. sio kwamba unakusanya pesa yao na kisha kuyatumia kwa njia isiyofaa.Kwa hivyo nilisimama hii kiti nikitaka watu wa 56 warudi mahali walikuwa hapo kitambo. wapate mandeleo, na kila mmoja aridhike kwamba tuko na kiongozi”, said Ajega.

Ajega further said, ”Kitu cha kwanza Unajua hata Daudi alikuwa anachunga kondo pale msituni lakini Samuel akaondoka akamuambia Ondoka kuja ukuwe kiongozi. Kwa hivyo alifanya kazi yake akijua kuwa mungu alimuita akuje kufanya hiyo kazi. kwa hivyo hii kazi ya bodaboda, najua kuwa pia mimi ni mwana bodaboda na Mungu amenichagua niwe miongoni mwao”.

Mourcie and the team will have to deal with the perception that has alwas hanged on the bodaboda shoulders of being seen as robbers, indecent, unhonest, indisciplineand rogue. Boda boda operators and especially from 56 stage have also been linked in insecurity cases, defilements, rape and transporting armed robbers.

This election did not only attracted bodaboda operators alone, other stake holders were also involved. Pius Namasaka, a reknown community health worker, CHW and child officer praised the work done by the sector as key tocommunity development.

“You see let me tell you, bodaboda operators saves life more in informal settlements compared to ambulances. They are accessible and very available. Every plot or estate has someone who does bodaboda. In cas on an emergence they are there to help”, Said Namasaka.

He added that bodaboda sector if well driven will be a source to thousands of employments to youths.

“This number here is from one stage, 56 stage, which has 207 members. If you go round you will find that within this area alone there are a huge youths who hav employed themselves through bodaboda. The sector requre good governance and good will for it to prosper”, he added.

One of the representatives of Mobibike dealers and shops on loan Mr. Dickson was also present. Dickson said the election made their work easy as they can trace whoever has their loan without difficulties. He said his offices will only need to be in contact with the office bearers before giving any motorbike on loan to any person.

Kawangware 56 bdaboda stage is considered among the first ones to be established in the area. From it other stage have also emerged. Among them is KOngo, Stage two, Muslims, Chinese, KIleleshwa, Waruku, Kilimani, Dagoretti north, Lavingtone link only to mention but a few.

The names of the newly election officials will be fowarded to the sub county security for approval and issurance of certicate.

Kamadi Amata
Kamadi Amatahttps://mtaaniradio.or.ke
I am a digital content creator with niche in Health, politics, and Human Interest Features.

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