About Us

Mtaani Radio is a non-profit, independent community based radio station that intends to build bridges with its listeners in Dagoretti, a huge area of Nairobi, Kenya. It exposes the local communities to the public through culture, and other social considerable issues.

Mtaani Radio Station is licensed by the Communications Authority of Kenya. As a non-commercial radio station under the direct supervision of the Community Radio Council. The station operates as a radio broadcast for youth in Dagoretti area.

In various expressions, Mtaani Radio is dedicated to defend the values of freedom, democracy, cultural diversity and respect for human rights in consideration the spirit of the people of Dagoretti

Mtaani Radio brings together a visionary team of indefatigable journalists with a passion towards community empowerment. It aspires to give voice to the voiceless, getting communities heard and recognized; it champions the rights of the voiceless.

The radio station is a project of Mtaani community based organization that has representation of the youth in Dagoretti whose aim is to bring community development. It is based at Kivuli Centre, Kabiria road – 15m from Kabiria Stage.


Mtaani Radio aims to focus on issues that bear directly with communities and create a sense of identity and cohesion through its various programs. With a significant representation from diverse communities and generations in its staff, this helps to build and sustain individual communities’ sense of identity and integration.

All of its policies, programming and operations are based on its social gain objectives, as originally laid out in the mission of Mtaani Community based Organization in giving priority to the marginalized members of the society and propagating developmental objectives.

 The provision of programs include the process of education or training, producing documentaries, airing public views on prevailing matters of interest to listeners, for better understanding of the particular issues and communities, and strengthening of ties within it and with the rest of the world.

 The radio intends to put its tools of communication into the hands of the youth who will develop, run and manage most of the programs to be aired by the radio, in acknowledgement of the growing number, needs and importance of the young people for the stability and future development of the community.

Another objective of the project is to support the community development and empowerment through offering training to new and existing volunteers, developing their skills and abilities and enabling them to broadcast, thus to disseminate, to their own communities.

Moreover, the project will provide local opportunities for career and personal development and build the confidence of individuals, encouraging them to take a more active role in community life generally.

Mtaani Radio works in partnership with other CBOs, local and international NGOs and CSOs and mass media for better achieving shared aims.


An empowered community that celebrates its diversity and actively participate in its development


To provide a platform for the community to address their issues through information sharing, education and communication.


Mtaani Community Based Radio Station shall be non-partisan, non-discriminatory and voluntary association of community change agents for education, entertainment, organizing and mobilizing communities for meaningful participation in societal processes.


To improve social, political and economic status of our listeners.


  • Shall strive to increase people’s participation in local and national socio-economic and political processes
  • Shall facilitate the establishment of democratic institutions within the communities as structures for positive societal transformation.
  • Shall tirelessly promote peace and encourage peaceful co-existence amongst our diversified ethnic backgrounds
  • Shall always defend human dignity and the human rights
  • Shall be a facilitator to community issues and organizing processes
  • Shall endeavor to mainstream gender in its activities and any other societal processes
  • Shall strive to equip Dagoretti Sub-County youths with knowledge and skills on radio presentation and broadcasting.
  • Shall assist communities identify resources around and amongst them and assist them explore ways of exploiting the same for optimum gain
  • Shall liaise with local, national, regional and international bodies in carrying out any or all of the objects.


In order to achieve our objectives, Mtaani Community Based Radio Station strongly believes in the following values;

  1. Pro-cultural diversity: Mtaani Radio will respect the cultural differences and design and implement programs which promote social harmony and peace among the population
  2. Promotion of gender and social equity: Mtaani Radio will design and implement programs which will ultimately promote the good relationship between men and women, poor and rich and always try to uplift the marginalized sectors of the society through special programs
  3. Promotion of local sustainable development and environment: Mtaani Radio will support sustainable development and environmental protection. To uphold this value, Mtaani Radio will never implement programs that are injurious to the environment and will design and implement programs which promote good social and physical environment
  4. Promotion of culture of peace: Mtaani Radio will always promote the culture of peace by designing and airing programs which promote peace in the society
  5. Proactive to change: Mtaani Radio will introduce new concepts, technologies, approaches, knowledge and skills which can help local population and thus transform the society
  6. Peoples’ right to information: Mtaani Radio believes that information is one of the fundamental rights of people and as such Mtaani Radio will strive to gather and impart information to the people